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Non Stick PTFE Coating Service

Non Stick PTFE Coating Service

4 INR/Square Inch

Product Details:


Non Stick PTFE Coating Service Price And Quantity

  • 1 Square Inch
  • 4 INR/Square Inch

Product Description

NonStick PTFE Coating Service involves applying a PTFE coating ontovarious surfaces to make them resistant to sticking or adhesion. PTFEis a high-performance fluoropolymer known for its excellentnon-stick, low-friction, chemical resistance, and high-temperatureresistance properties. These coatings are commonly used inindustries such as cookware, bakeware, automotive, and industrialmanufacturing. They offer exceptional non-stick properties,preventing materials, adhesives, and contaminants from adhering tocoated surfaces. Non Stick PTFE Coating Service can vary depending onfactors such as the type and thickness of the coating, the size andcomplexity of the surface being coated, and the quantity of coatingsneeded.

Product Description


PTFE marine finished red & green color available coating thickness 25 to 35 microns Approx. and 500 hours salt spray test ok. Self lubricating good finish.


each & every stud bolt packing available separately.


black, two coat system
Non stick coating food grade F.D.A.(Food & Drug Administration,)Approved.
100 Micron thickness possible.
Working temperature 290c. chemichal and solvent resistance.
Suitable for Food processing machine parts, blister roller, die mould, sturer etc.

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